Welcome to the message board. Post your message/pictures here. Share pics of vacations, retirements, parties, grandkids, etc. Inquiring minds want to know! Should you have questions or comments, please go to the CONTACT US Tab and submit or email marylpaule@hotmail.com.
MARCH 2025 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  We had a smaller group this month, but it did not prevent our fun at Sushi Masa in Beaumont. The food was GREAT! Wayne Barefield, Suzy Poole Haws, Bruce Gary, Elaine Heufelder Whitten, Libbie Ruysenaars Stinson, Prissy Sheffield, Rodney Sheffield, Tommy Hogan
FEBRUARY 2025 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  Lunch at Tia Juanita's in Beaumont. Left to Right - Rodney Sheffield, Thom Ardoin, Bonnie Ardoin, Elaine Heufelder Whitten, Prissy Sheffieldeld, John Parigi, Beverly Hebert Parigi, Glenn Lewis, Sharon Williams Lewis, Maureen Oge Jones, and Bruce Gary.
JANUARY 2025 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  We had a small, but good looking group today for our Lunch Bunch at THE GRILL. The food was great!
Left to Right - Rodney and Prissy Sheffield, Mary Basye Paule, Nancy Budd Pattie, Wayne Barefield, Elaine Heufelder Whitten, Libbie Ruysenaars Stinson, Bruce Gary, and Marie Maggio. You should join us sometime!
 On November 9th, Bruce Gary, Wendy Nance and John Wynn flew to Centennial, Colorado to attend Kelly Eliassen's Memorial Service. All 4 are class of '67 graduates. RIP Kelly.
Pat 'Hawk' Hardy honored at Texas Martial Arts Hall of Fame induction  On October 4, 2024, Pat "Hawk" Hardy was honored for his lifetime contributions at an induction ceremony to the Texas Martial Arts Hall of Fame.
Pat holds a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, Shoto Kan (5th Degree), and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. In National and World Competitions in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Hardy won 21 Gold Medals, 4 Silver Medals, and 7 Bronze Medals.
He also served as Assistant District Attorney and a Criminal Investigator in Hardin County, Texas.
OCTOBER 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  Good group at our monthly FHS Fun Bunch Lunch at the Toasted Yolk. We were at two tables, but got one picture. Standing: Barbara Bridgers Brookner c/o 69, Tommy Hogan, Mary Basye Paule, Linda Eller Weston. Seated: Bruce Gary, Barbara Weaver Smith, Elaine Heufelder Whitten, Libbie Ruysenaars Stinson, Prissy Sheffield, Rodney Sheffield, Steve McAdams, Thom Ardoin and Bonnie Ardoin.
MEMORIES OF DAYS GONE BY  John Wynn shared this photo of a 5th grade class at French Elementary. As you can see, not all the names are known. Many of these guys ended up graduating with us in the Class of 67!
Front Row left to right, ____?, ____?, Larry Ward, Chip Raumaker, ____?, ____?, John Wynn, Wendy Nance, Jan Beall, ____?.
Second Row, Rennie Monroe, ____?, ____?, ____?, Nancy Budd, ____?, Sue Lockhart, Kelly Eliassen.
Third Row, (No Clue).
Fourth Row, Johnny McGown, Darrell Toups, ____?, ____?, ____?, Cynthia Knight, Jerry DeSpain, Steve McAdams.
If you can identify any more of these 5th graders, please send me an email - marylpaule@hotmail.com. Thanks!
SEPTEMBER 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  The FHS Fun Bunch Lunch was at Tia Juanita's in Beaumont today. Left to Right - Bonnie Ardoin and Thom Ardoin, Tommy Hogan, Prissy Sheffield and Rodney Sheffield, Ben and Debbie Landry Ridgway, Allison Cambre, Mary Basye Paule and Elaine Heufelder Whitten. The food was delicious and the company was even better! We were thrilled to have Tony as our waiter. He is retired Navy with 22 years Service to our Country.
AUGUST 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  The waiter DIDN'T tell us to smile or count down or anything, that's why there are so many blank faces! But Lupe Tortilla did a great job accommodating this big bunch! Front Row - Nancy Budd Pattie and Joe Pattie, Diane Perkins Graham and Danny Graham, Mary Basye Paule, Suzy Poole Haws, Prissy Sheffield and Rodney Sheffield and Steve McAdams. Back Row - Beth and Steve Lastovica, Judith and John Wynn, Geren and Chip Raumaker, Bruce Gary and Elaine Heufelder Whitten.
CLASSMATES AT POLICE CHIEF JIMMY SINGLETARY'S RETIREMENT  Bruce Gary and Pat Hardy attended Beaumont's 'Top Cop', Jimmy Singletary's Retirement Recognition in March. Left to Right - Bruce Gary, Singletary's Daughter, Hallie Gates, Pat Hardy, Chief Singletary and Brian Babin, US Representative. Both Bruce and Pat have a history in Law Inforcement.
JULY 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH - Pic 1  We had our FHS Lunch this time at Brunos. Since we had a divided table, we have divided pictures. Top picture: Diane Perkins Graham, Bonnie Ardoin, Thom Ardoin, Steve McAdams, Bruce Gary, Danny Graham. Bottom picture: Nancy Budd Pattie, Joe Pattie, Sharon Lewis (Williams), Glenn Lewis, Elaine Heufelder Whitten, Prissy Sheffield, Rodney Sheffield, and Libbie Ruysenaars Stinson.
DIE-HARD ASTROS FANS!  This group of friends attend their favorite team's games together a couple times a year. They usually bring the Astros a WYNN (get it?)! From left to right - John Wynn, Judith Wynn, Mary Beth Corbin, Rick Corbin, Prissy Sheffield and Rodney Sheffield.
FT WORTH GET TOGETHER  Five "old" friends met at Chili's in Ft. Worth, July 2nd. All but one are French High School classmates from class of 1967. Left to right - Jim Gibson, Ken Carver, Bo Carver (Ken’s younger brother by 4 years), Ronnie Swain and Frank Smith. Most of these guys had not seen each other for 57 years!
JUNE 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  Our June lunch was held at the Neches River Wheelhouse in Port Neches. We had a great time even though many of our regular attendees were not able to come. Kenneth Raumaker (Chip) and Geren Raumaker, Beverly (Hebert) and John Parigi, Bonnie Ardoin, Thom Ardoin, Steve McAdams, Libbie Ruysenaars Stinson, Elaine Heufelder Whitten, Prissy Sheffield, Rodney Sheffield, Bruce Gary. Ya'll should join us sometime. Just send a message via the CONTACT US tab on the left. We will give you all the details!
MAY 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  Our monthly FHS Lunch Bunch was at Mama Jacks in Kountze. It is owned by Barbara Hollister Jackson and her husband, Jerry, our FHS alums. The food was great and it was so good to see Barbara, c/o 67!
Bruce Gary, Sallie Hunt Mooneyham, Linda Eller Weston, Sharon Williams Lewis, Barbara Hollister Jackson, Steve McAdams, Glenn Lewis, Tommy and Bonnie Ardoin.
APRIL 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  We had our FHS Lunch Bunch at Carrabba's Italian Grill with a few ‘newbies’ attending.
Don Laurie, Steve McAdams, Peggy Talton Laurie, Wayne Barefield, Susan Barefield, Sharon Williams Lewis, Mary Basye Paule, Geren and Kenneth Raumaker, Libbie Ruysenaars Stinson, Prissy Sheffield, Rodney Sheffield, Nancy Budd Pattie and Joe Pattie, Linda Eller Weston, Danny and Diane Perkins Graham.
MARCH 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  We had a few new faces at this month's lunch.
Rodney Sheffield, Tommy Hogan, DeCondia Swilley (c/o ‘58), Joe Pattie, Nancy Budd Pattie, Susan and Wayne Barefield, Bruce Gary, Gayla Locks (Guest of Suzy), Suzy Poole Haws, Nancy Driver Hillman and Larry Hillman, Steve McAdams, Diane Perkins Graham and Danny Graham.
FEBRUARY 2024 FHS FUN BUNCH LUNCH  We celebrated our Fun Bunch Lunch and Steve McAdams' Birthday at the Outback Steakhouse. The food was really good and the service was great!
Tommy Hogan, Susan Waddell White (‘69), Sandy Torrence-Griffin (‘69), Rodney Sheffield, Steve McAdams (birthday boy), Geren and Chip Kenneth Raumaker, Bruce Gary, Libbie Ruysenaars Stinson, Mary Basye Paule, Susan and Wayne Barefield